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Scholarship Information



Scholarship Applications must be postmarked by March 31, 2025.


Results for scholarship applications for Summer 2025 will be

postmarked no later than May 12, 2025.

All applicants will be notified of the results.


There are three options for sending the audition files.

Please read the application directions carefully.


If you have additional questions about scholarships,

please first read the Scholarship Process section below including

the answers to â€‹Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).


Then contact us at if needed.


This PDF Application is for making multiple

copies. It must be filled out by hand.

This Fillable Application allows you to type

the information into the form and save it.

Scholarship Process

Arrowbear Music Associates grants scholarships to any accredited instrumental or choral music camp in the United States. We do not grant scholarships to camps outside the United States. Applications are available beginning February 1 and are due in late March. For Summer 2024, we granted $109,727 in scholarships to 92 recipients. Most scholarships awarded are for one-half to three-fourths of the cost of a session. There are a limited number of full scholarships available. We grant scholarships to both choral and instrumental applicants. Recipients are chosen based on both need and merit. Nearly all of our recipients would not have been able to attend a summer music camp without financial assistance. We notify all applicants by the middle of May. Contact our Scholarship Chairperson, Laura Kusaba, at or call her at 562-634-5158, if you still have questions after reading the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.


The process includes:

  • a written application

  • MP3 format files of a scale and solo with or without accompaniment for instrumental applicants   OR             

  • MP3 format files of two vocal selections (one classical and one popular selection) with or without accompaniment for choral applicants. Do NOT use MP4 video format or send a DVD

  • a letter written by the applicant explaining why he or she needs a scholarship

  • a recommendation letter from a private or school music teacher



MP3 format files of the scale and solo OR two vocal selections can be sent to us in one of three ways:

  • The two files can be placed on a flash drive. The flash drive must be included with the application materials.

  • The two files can be emailed to us. 

  • The two files can be placed in Dropbox and the link can be emailed to us. 


All components must be completed as explained in the directions and

postmarked by the due date to be eligible for a scholarship.

Late applications are NOT accepted for any reason.



***Please be sure of your summer plans before you apply for a scholarship. Once awarded, scholarships are NOT transferable to another session, music camp, or person. Scholarship recipients are expected to attend their entire session without arriving late or leaving early unless there is an emergency.

Questions? No problem. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions link.

Sponsor a Scholarship


We currently have twenty-eight special scholarships sponsored by individuals and businesses. These special scholarships are awarded in the sponsor's own name, the name of a loved one, or in the name of their business or organization. We are willing to work with you to create a scholarship for a specific age group, instrument, or section such as winds, brass, strings, etc. We will discuss options with you on how to fund the scholarship. Special scholarships should provide at least half of the cost of a session.





Please contact Laura Kusaba at 562-634-5158 or by email at if you are interested.

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Pre-Intermediate Recipients 2024
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Intermediate II Recipients 2024
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Intermediate 1 Recipients 2024
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Jazz Recipients 2024
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Choral Recipients 2024
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Advanced Recipients 2024
Recipients 2024


     It’s so difficult to decide who should receive assistance. We agonize, argue passionately for students who touch our hearts in some way, and finally reach a consensus on who gets a scholarship, and who we are unable to help. We walk a delicate line trying to balance merit with need, those who have the advantage of lessons versus those who have potential but whose parents can’t afford private lessons. The effect of two years of Zoom classes is still impacting all genres of performing arts classes, but enrollment in performing arts classes is growing and music students are progressing. There is still work to be done to achieve the pre-pandemic levels of mastery and participation for many programs. Students are eager for the musical challenge and the camaraderie that a session at camp provides. Your generosity helps make their dream of attending a summer music camp session possible. Students are eager for the musical challenge and the camaraderie that a session at camp provides.

        We are excited to announce that we awarded $109,727 in scholarships to all 92 young musicians who applied for Summer 2024. Congratulations to them all!

Morey’s Music Store Scholarship

Angelo Atendido-Santos    violin                

Tiffany Hong                        viola


David L. Schechter Scholarship

Leo Jimenez                         tenor sax

Lorenzo Alves Pereira        clarinet


Fran Moore Scholarship

Kaitlyn McGuire                   viola


Robert Simmergren Scholarship

Greyson Huang                   violin

Paisley Huang                      violin


Newton & Elsie Wrench Scholarship

Federico Calchi Novati        clarinet           


Robert Collins Choral Scholarship

Emily Salazar                        alto            


Arnold & Judy Hogarth Scholarship

Claire Lloyd                          alto sax        

Giulietta Luongo                 alto sax

Boedy Reisner                     tuba                  

Zuzanna Szybura                violin               


Raye Fairchild Scholarship

Mia Vasquez                        violin


Walter & Natalie Norwick Scholarship

Andrew Gerhart                  violin        


Herb Guthmann Scholarship

Kell Malmgren                     trombone


Vina Mae Sippel Woodland Scholarship

Axel Logg                              string bass


Loren & June Collins Scholarship

Phoenix Soto                       trumpet


Arthur & Margery Schwartz Scholarship

Miles Reusch                        violin   


Sigma Alpha Iota Scholarship

Paolo Calchi Novati             violin   


Carole Ohlendorf Dockstader Scholarship

Matteo Alves Pereira          flute                   


Suzanne & Juliette Fluchere Scholarship

Ryan Chung                          cello

Zachary Gerhart                  cello


B.T. "Ted" Mills Scholarship

Zachary Arnold                    alto sax


Cliff Ervin Scholarship

David Gietzen                       trumpet


John Ervin Scholarship

Kenny Tran                            trombone


Smith Family Scholarship

Isaac Suárez                          string bass

Eric Villicana                          string bass


Myrtle Seymour Watilo Scholarship

Emma Stelzried                     violin


Ellen Deffner Scholarship

Clare Drake                            clarinet 


Frances J Harding Choral Scholarship

Robert Baldridge                  tenor                


Mark Masterson Scholarship

Maximiliano Nievas              flute


Carol Ulviden Choral Scholarship

Chloe Baldridge                  soprano


Carol Lyn Jackson Scholarship

Grey  Castañeda                 violin


Joe Burger Scholarship

James Fenton                      cello


Choral Scholarship

Vala-Valis Miller                   soprano


Elementary Scholarships

Morgan Heang                    violin

Emily Torres                         violin  


Middle School Scholarships

Benjamin Abdi                     violin             

Brittany Arredondo             cello 

Joseph Baldridge                     violin

Josh Cantu-Wang                    violin

Stella Drake                                 violin

Marlee Johnson                    trumpet

Wesley Johnson                    trumpet

Luri Lee                                  clarinet

Elizabeth Lehman                cello

Lukas Logg                            percussion 

Elin Lu                                    cello                

Chloe O'Brien                       trumpet

Renata Raya                          cello

Ruby Reusch                         violin

Abel Mateo Sandoval          violin

Tamara Mitrani Shafran      percussion

Nathan Sharma                    cello        

Shion Svenson                     French horn

Timothy Sweeney                trumpet

Joshua Torres                       violin

Soren Travis                          alto sax

Connor Wheeler                  cello         


High School Scholarships

Shayna Beckerman             bass clarinet

Nina Cantu-Wang                viola

Angie Chung                         violin

Elliott Rice Epstein               violin

Katherine Erber                   flute

Allison Feinberg                   violin

Vincent Felix                         clarinet

Jack Gravois                          flute

Colin Hobson                       trumpet

Fiona Huang                         cello              

Keyra Ickler                           flute

Corban Lewis                       cello

Asher Lowery                       clarinet

Kaydin Lowery                      trombone

Jaden Martinez                     bari sax

Scarlett Martinez                 violin

Avrie Milford                        flute                  

Jack Nash                              trumpet

Stephanie Perteet               tenor sax

Alyssa Plooy                         clarinet

Leah Porter                          clarinet

Fatima Ramirez                    violin

Rogelio Raya                         violin

Adel J Sandoval                    cello

Jesus Sandoval                     violin

Matisse Sayada                    violin 

Mareen Shah                        percussion

Emily Silvernail                     euphonium

Charley Travis                       oboe

Lucas Wheeler                     trumpet

Sophia Wheeler                   flute 

Dylan Witter                         percussion         

Thank You Letters


Thank you so much for this scholarship. It not only will help me actually attend this music camp, but it has also saved my family financially. It’s hard to express the amount of gratitude I am having and wanting to give right now. Music has been my way to escape the real world, and now I can escape the real world for a week!!!! (Sorry if that was cheesy. I’m just really happy right now.) Once again, thank you in all different ways and languages for this scholarship.

Thank you so, so, so much for this chance! I love the choral camp so much and it truly means the world to me to have this opportunity!


I cannot just explain how it helps financially, and it makes me so ecstatic to be able to go!!


I would love to just hug you all. I’m crying tears of joy as I write this thank you!! I’ll write to you how it goes!

I play trombone and I’m going into 9th grade. I wanted to thank you for the gift you have given me. I love to play my trombone and I love to go to band camp. I’ve been the only trombone player through middle school, so it is nice to learn with others. I would not be able to attend if not for your help. Thank you so much. It really is the highlight of my summer.

Thank I want to wholeheartedly thank you for providing me with a scholarship to attend Arrowbear Music Camp. I am extremely excited to attend Arrowbear and play in a full symphony orchestra for the first time, and your scholarship makes it so much easier to do so. I want to tell you that the scholarship is a huge help to my family and me and we are incredibly grateful for it. I am deeply thankful for what you do.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for this scholarship. Your generous support means the world to me, and I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to make music with other young musicians who want to improve. Your belief in my potential inspires me to work even harder towards my goals. At my school, many students are in band for an “easy A”. Now, I can participate with other youth that really enjoy playing music. I can’t wait to play with other musicians who are more advanced than I am so I can learn and grow from them. I am counting the days until I can play fun and challenging music with others, make new friends, and try new things. Thank you so much!

I am beyond grateful for each of you and your generous scholarship donations. Without your financial help, my parents could not have afforded to send me to Arrowbear Music Camp this summer. I am so excited to have been given this opportunity. I have never attended any camp before and cannot wait to get there. My older sister was also awarded a scholarship and we are just so happy and excited and know that this experience will change our lives for the better. I hope that I will become a better violinist and make new friends during my amazing week at Arrowbear. Again, I cannot thank you enough for making my dreams of attending a music camp come true.

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for selecting me as a recipient of your generous scholarship. Receiving this scholarship has filled me with immense joy and gratitude. I am incredibly thankful to you for recognizing my potential and deeming me worthy of such a wonderful opportunity.


I promise to approach this opportunity with dedication, enthusiasm, and a genuine desire to learn and grow as a musician. Your support has not only lightened my financial burden but has also given me a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. Your belief in me has inspired me to work even harder and strive for excellence in my musical pursuits.


Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am truly grateful for your generosity and belief in my potential.

Thank you so much for your amazing generosity and support. I am so excited and thankful that your contributions have given me the amazing opportunity to attend Arrowbear Music Camp this summer. I can’t wait to be part of this awesome program and spend my time making music and new friends.


Music is everything to me, and I’m always working hard to get better at it. I just know that being at Arrowbear will help me grow so much as a musician. I’m really looking forward to learning from the amazing teachers, playing music with other kids who love it as much as I do, and making friendships that will last a long time.


Once again, thank you for making this opportunity possible. I am so thankful for the positive impact you will have on my life and the lives of so many other young musicians.


Below are some of the thank you letters we received from our scholarship recipients. Their appreciation and excitement reveal the impact your generosity has on their lives and families. They are thrilled to attend a summer music camp and spend time with other young musicians who share their passion for music.

I just want to start this off by saying I am very happy to receive this scholarship. Living in a household where all of our money goes toward necessities, we don’t really go on vacations. Going to Arrowbear is an opportunity to do this. Also, I get to connect with others who share the same love of music. I went to Arrowbear last year and though at first it was scary, I ended up having the time of my life. I made many friends and I’m excited to reunite with them this coming summer. I am very grateful to receive this scholarship, and I will put it to great use.

I want to thank you, truly thank you, for awarding my son the scholarship this year so he can attend the Jazz Improv session at Camp Arrowbear this year. He loves music and is so passionate about music. It is his “reason” for going to school each day. As a mother that feels the financial burden of his passion but wants to be able to provide these types of experiences for him, I appreciate that you have helped so tremendously to alleviate this burden. This will pay for more than ¾ the cost of the camp! I am humbled by your generosity.

THANK YOU!!!!! I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for the opportunity to go to the music camp. I talk with my friends about hos fun this camp is going to be. I couldn’t have gone without the help of your kindness. Music has changed my life. I’ve gone from a person with a small friend group that I would talk to and now I have a massive social group of people that I consider my friends. So from the bottom of my heart thank you.


I went to Arrowbear last year, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that it was the best two weeks of my life. I am elated to be able to go back this year so that I can play music and make lifelong friends again. Without this scholarship, going to Arrowbear would have been much more difficult and maybe even impossible to be able to go to solely because of financial reasons. Thank you so much. 

Thank you so much for gifting a scholarship that lets me go to Arrowbear. Without this scholarship, I wouldn’t have been able to experience camp. I am a twelve-year old girl. I am going into seventh grade. I have played violin for over nine years. My mom is a violinist, and my dad is a trombonist. I love animals, the beach, music, friends, and family. This is my first time going to camp, and this will be my brother’s fourth time. He talks about so many fun memories he made there, and I can’t wait to go! I am looking forward to going in the pool, climbing the big rocks of Happy Gap, and most of all, making music! I can’t wait to go to camp and make memories I’ll cherish forever.

Thank you so much for helping me get to go to the music camp. I love the music camp so much. I had so much fun last year. It was my first time ever going to camp. After a crazy winter where I had to stay home for weeks, thanking about camp gave me so much joy. I can’t wait to learn new things and play my trombone with everyone.

Thank you so much for your sponsorship and selecting me as a scholarship recipient! I am truly honored. Getting the scholarship means a lot to me because I was not sure if I would be able to attend this year due to the cost of the camp. However, your generosity and dedication to young musicians like me has helped me to get over that hurdle.


I really enjoy playing the flute and that is one of the core reasons why I wake up every morning to go to school. Knowing that I will be able to attend music camp this year has further bolstered my willingness and eagerness to keep perfecting my skills as a flute player. I attended the music camp last year and I absolutely loved the experience, and I made new friends. It was truly magical for me. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. It truly means the world to me!

Marching Drum

Thank you so much for the opportunity you’ve given me. I really appreciate your generosity and I’m looking forward to the camp so much! I’ll be practicing hard to prepare, and I’m so excited to attend. Again, thank you so much.

Thank you so much for your generous donation to me. I am more than happy to accept to go to the Advanced Session at Arrowbear this summer. I can’t wait to go and make music with my peers while also learning to be a better musician myself. I can only imagine all of the new skills I will learn which will help me in my future in symphonic winds and marching band. I can’t thank you enough for this scholarship. Without this scholarship I wouldn’t have been able to experience this great opportunity. I know I will learn so much from this camp and I can only pray that I will be able to come back every year after this one.

Ever since I first caught wind of Camp Arrowbear it’s been my dream to get in. I’ve loved summer camp all my life and music is my greatest passion. If I could participate in a camp experience where those two are combined, it would be the most amazing opportunity. And now I can thanks to this scholarship! I can’t express how much I appreciate you choosing me to receive this money, and I can’t wait for camp! I’m going through a hard time but now I can smile because I know in a few weeks I’ll be at the camp of my dreams! Thank you so much.

I can't thank you enough for your financial assistance with the scholarship to help me get to Arrowbear. It is a truly magical place and getting the opportunity to attend again and make more memories is incredible. Thank you for investing in my growth as a singer and as a person. I am forever grateful for your support.

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We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) that provides scholarships to young musicians to any accredited summer music camp in the United States. Scholarships are made possible through the generous donations from the alumni and friends of Arrowbear Music Camp, matching grants, and from members of the general public who support music education.




PO Box 1294
Lakewood CA 90714-1294

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