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Donations Spring & Summer 2024

Many, many thanks to the alumni and friends of Arrowbear who donated to our Scholarship Fund. Donations from the Spring Newsletter totaled $24,390.65. That's a very good start in building the scholarship bucket for Summer 2025. All of the donations will go toward scholarships for Summer 2025.

Every donation is appreciated. We receive amounts from $10 to hundreds of dollars. It all adds up. Don’t worry about waiting until you can give more at some point in the future. Any amount makes a difference. It’s always a wonderful surprise to visit the mailbox and hear how you’re doing and what is keeping you busy. Please keep in touch and give when you can. We love to hear from you.

Tami Caryl Borowick

Liz Houston Bowermaster

Allan & Stephanie Crlenica Carter

Bill & Marie Course

Michael & Marylynn Wilcox Eipper

Stephanie & Karl Eggers

Jerry Shaw Evans

Erin Nakagawa Felix

Lida Lockwood Gerenraich

Julie Gill

Eileen Choi Golden

Marilyn Martinson Hales

Neil Harrington

Brooke Hearons Hicks

Stefanie Holzman

Marian Kent

George Cameron Keys

Jay Kohorn

Peter Kozik

Hayden Gerald Lawrence

Julianne Lindsay

John Menke

David Moody

Diane Otsuki

Michelle Otto-Cedeno

Steven Reynolds

Ted & Nancy Rodriguez-Bell

Nailah Roque

Janice Sanders

Marjorie Sims

Lonnie Timney

Rosemary McNamee Waller



  • Mark Scott in memory of Jim and Jacque Scott.

  • Beth Mills Grace in memory of her father - Ted Mills. 

  • Marvin Sippel in memory of Vina Mae Sippel Woodland.

  • Cathy Moore Parker in memory of Fran Cleaver Moore.

  • Mark Byer and Stephanie Cinereski in memory of Brian Reynolds.

  • Naomi Barbara Goorevitch Cook in honor of the dedication of longtime                                                                                       camper, counselor, staff member, and friend - Sarah Solberg.

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Additional Donations


Matching Grants

  • Thank you to the six alumni who have set up automatic monthly donations through PayPal. We receive $145 in total every month from these alumni for a yearly total of $1,740. You are all awesome!


  • Thank you to Becky Boggs Othmer who set up a Facebook donation for her birthday with the donations going to our Scholarship Fund. Thank you to everyone who donated.

  • Thank you to Sarah Solberg who set up a Facebook donation for her birthday with the donations going to our Scholarship Fund. Thank you to everyone who donated.

  • Thank you to Jim Garrecht who set up a Facebook donation for his birthday with the donations going to our Scholarship Fund. Thank you to everyone who donated.

  • Thank you to Katy Bridges who set up a Facebook donation for her birthday with the donations going to our Scholarship Fund. Thank you to everyone who donated.

  • Thank you to Ted and Nancy Rodriguez-Bell for completing the paperwork for a matching grant from Wells Fargo.

  • Thank you to Russell Graham for arranging for us to receive payroll withholdings from the Northrop Grumman Employees Charity Organization (ECHO) and a donation from the Charities Aid Foundation America program.

  • Many thanks to Jim Garrecht who arranged for us to receive payroll deductions through Kaiser Permanente and the America Online Giving program.

  • Many thanks to the person who asked to remain Anonymous who sent a donation through Fidelity Charitable.

Facebook birthday fundraisers have raised $1,301.71 so far in 2024.

We are so grateful to everyone who sets up a fundraiser and to those who donate. 

Long Beach Gives 2024

Long Beach Gives is an annual event designed to encourage donations to non-profits who are based in the city of Long Beach. We are so grateful to the Long Beach community for supporting our scholarship program to provide private lessons to young musicians in the Long Beach Unified School District. This program provides a series of twelve thirty-minute lessons to one student at each of the district's middle, K-8, and high schools each semester. This year we raised $2,235.32. Thank you to all the donors.

Ruth Perez Ashley

Carolyn Kusaba Carroll

Beckie Celikel

Amy Essington

Beth Mills Grace

Susan Green

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Linda Curtis Kellogg

Kristin Manning

Naomi Norwick

Michaela Quinby

Marcy Sudock

Dawn Swanson

LBG 2024 Logo.png
  • Carole Dyer in memory of Carole Ohlendorf Dockstader.

  • Dolores Loera in memory of Dwight Muma.

  • Robyn Archer in memory of Jack Palacios.

We accept donations to this scholarship program year round.

Just let us know you'd like your donation to be applied to our music lessons scholarship program.

Thank You Letters

We'd like to share a few letters we've received from students who've participated in this program.

One thing I would like to tell you is how much your offer helped me and how much it impacted by life. When I first started playing clarinet in sixth grade I loved it. It was all I ever wanted to do. When I first heard about this offer, I almost dropped by clarinet. I remember I raced home as fast as I could and started writing my paragraph to get the lessons, and it paid off, because I did. I started noticing how much better I was getting. Because of your scholarship, I want to go out for the advanced band. Thank you for this fantastic opportunity.

                                                                                                                       Rogers Middle School Student


I would like to thank you for sponsoring me to have flute lessons. Janelle was a great teacher. She taught me different scales and the technique of playing the flute. I have become a better musician because of the lessons given to me. Thank you!

                                                                                                                        Jefferson Middle School Student

Because of this scholarship, I was offered the opportunity to take a set number of private lessons with an incredible violinist. She truly woke me up, as I can see that day by day, I am progressing in areas I never imagined I would be able to do in such a short time. Thank you.

                                                                                                                        Lakewood High School Student


I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for awarding me the scholarship for private tenor saxophone lessons. This generous opportunity means the world to me and has already begun to have a profound impact on my musical journey. Even though I went into the lessons with some amount of musical knowledge, Professor Gates was a good instructor who gave me a lot of exercises to work on and other techniques that helped me improve tremendously. Once again, I thank you for your trust and investment in my musical future. I am incredibly grateful for your support and look forward to making you proud.

                                                                                                                          Renaissance High School Student


Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a national event designed to encourage donations to worthy causes. The most recent event took place on December 3, 2024.

We raised $976.04 for the scholarship fund.

Many thanks to the donors who contributed.

Kathleen Schaner          David James          Katy Bridges          Naomi Norwick

Heather Randles Ophir          Becky Boggs Othmer          Laura Kusaba

LBC Financial Credit Union          bobreysaidso          whatevermakesyouhappytoday

Giving Tuesday 2025 will take place on December 2, 2025.


Donations are processed through Fundraisers

on our Facebook group page and on our Instagram page.

Scholarship Recipients 2023


We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) that provides scholarships to young musicians to any accredited summer music camp in the United States. Scholarships are made possible through the generous donations from the alumni and friends of Arrowbear Music Camp, matching grants, and from members of the general public who support music education.



PO Box 1294
Lakewood CA 90714-1294

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