80th Reunion
September 4, 2022
Today we are all gathered to celebrate Arrowbear’s 80th anniversary. This summer, camp just completed its 81st summer here in the same place that it started so many years ago. Today at camp we have alumni who camped at Arrowbear from the 1940s to the present. This is a day to reminisce and reconnect with old friends and to meet others who were also a part of the Arrowbear experience. The people, the buildings, the view, and the music all help us remember the time we spent in this unique place. It is a time to remember the old traditions and embrace the new traditions that are created with each new generation. My hope is that this music camp experience will continue for future generations and will always be the place
“Mr. Ohlendorf and his assistants have given us something besides bed bugs and pogo sticks to take home with us. They have given us many new friends and a musical experience and inspiration that will stay with us throughout our lives”
– From the very first Note - August 1942
The past few years were very difficult times for all of us. Many summer camps did not survive the “shut down,” but we are all so grateful that Arrowbear has continued on even with limited enrollments and having to navigate the constantly changing rules and guidelines during these unprecedented times. The spirit of Arrowbear continues today under the direction of Dennis Dockstader and Larke Dockstader. They work together to provide campers with a magnificent camp experience. This summer they provided a full summer program of Jazz, Choral, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, and Advanced sessions.
Our organization continues to provide scholarships in spite of the difficulties of the pandemic. Your donation today helps to keep Mr. O’s memory alive and to help the younger campers understand how important this place is to us all. Much has changed over the years; however, it still remains the same Arrowbear we all know and love. So, enjoy the music, the laughter, the nostalgia and remember how lucky we all are to have been part of this wonderful place.
Cliff Kusaba
The Concert

Reunion Choir
Nights at Mulligans………………………………
Vitrum Nostrum Gloriosum………………….
Heart Doth Beg You’ll Not Forget………….
Randall Thompson
Cameron Keys
Arr. Mark Hays
Orlando di Lasso
Conductor: G. Cameron Keys
Brass Choir
Britannia Fanfare and March…………....…………. Michael Gallehue
Edited by JH
Conductor: Jack Hollander

Reunion Orchestra
Belle of the Ball…………………………………
March Slav, Opus 31…………………………..
Leroy Anderson
Conductor: Albert Jeung
Reunion Orchestra
Berceuse and Finale (Firebird Suite)……
Igor Stravinsky
Arr. Isaac
Conductor: Dennis Dockstader

Reunion Shirts

Facebook Group
We do have a limited number of
Reunion shirts available
for purchase.
There are three XL shirts and
one each of size 2XL and size 4XL
$15 donation.
Contact Laura at
We have a very active Facebook Group page. Many alumni who attended the Reunion posted photos and videos taken at the event.
Please join us

Rain and Hail
A thunderstorm added to the festivities after lunch. Drizzle led to steady rain. Groups of alumni gathered on the camp porch, in the orchestra bowl, the staff area, and in the dining hall to stay dry.
Next came the hail. Small hailstones at first; then larger hailstones accompanied by thunder. The rain came down harder forcing alumni to bunch closer together to escape the damp.
During a lull, alumni gathered in the orchestra bowl for camp singing. The sound of the singing drew alumni out of their dry hiding spots to join the larger group. They added their voices to the songs of our youth. The harmonies and enthusiasm were delightful and turned the experience into a favorite part of the day for many alumni.
The rain returned while we sang, but no one minded. It cooled the air and gave us a wonderful memory to share at the next Reunion.
Who Attended the Reunion?
There's always a lot of curiosity and excitement over who attended the Reunion. The wait is over. You can download a copy of the contact information for all alumni who made it to the event.

L-R: Dennis Dockstader, Karen Kimes, G. Cameron Keys, Sarah Solberg, & Stephanie Bell McCormick.
It's All About the Mugs
An innocent post on the Associates' Facebook Group page unexpectedly took on a life of its own. We picked up the Reunion banner at a local small business in June. As a thank you for our business, the owner made a coffee mug for Cliff with the Arrowbear logo and the Associates website address on it. Laura posted a photo of the mug on the Associates' Facebook page, and the interest in purchasing an Arrowbear mug went "viral". Numerous alumni started asking how to purchase mugs in the post's comment section.

Arrowbear sells similar mugs in their camp store. After a conversation with camp, Larke ordered mugs to sell at the Reunion. They were a huge hit and sold like hotcakes. There are now quite a few alumni happily enjoying their morning coffee in an Arrowbear mug thanks to an innocent social media post.
Who Made it Happen
There's always a group of people behind the scenes that help to make every Reunion successful. Many, many thanks to the Reunion Committee and the alumni who pitched in. You made the event a success.

Ann Haberman & Beckie Roth Celikel

Gary Bell & Martine Korach
Dolores Loera & Liz Vader Meripol for printing and organizing the music into folders.
David James and Ross Durand for acting as song leaders for Camp Singing.
Claudia Hoskins Fitzpatrick for organizing the Happy Gap Hour.
Ann Haberman and Laura Collins for helping with Registration.
Cassie Donohue, Charlotte Papp, and Jess Whitten who answered our call for assistance with kitchen setup and cleanup.
Beckie Roth Celikel who helped sell the Arrowbear mugs.
Davina Cave Kaiser who helped with sectionals and accompaniment with the Reunion Choir.
Jay Kohorn who helped with the Reunion Choir.
Allen Carroll and Tim Kusaba who shuttled alumni from the parking area at the lake up to the camp.
Martine Korach and Gary Bell who spent the entire day prepping and serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The food was delicious!
Laura Dean Kusaba for managing Online Registration.
Cliff Kusaba for leading the Reunion Committee and overseeing all the details for the event.
Dennis and Larke Dockstader for coordinating with the Reunion Committee and allowing us to have the event at the camp.
Our conductors: Albert Jeung and Dennis Dockstader who conducted the Reunion Orchestra, Jack Hollander who conducted the Brass Choir, and G. Cameron Keys who conducted the Reunion Choir.
Thank you again to all the alumni who pitched in and who
offered to help throughout the day.
We appreciate it so much.